What is a Virtual FD – Unpacking the Role of a Virtual Finance Director

What is a Virtual FD – Unpacking the Role of a Virtual Finance Director

What is a Virtual FD – Unpacking the Role of a Virtual Finance Director

After our recent blog post on Virtual Finance Controllers, we’d like to introduce you to another level of expertise we offer: our Virtual Finance Director service! With a strategic focus, the Virtual FD is distinct from its Virtual FC (Finance Controller) counterpart. So, we thought we’d take this opportunity to elucidate what a Virtual FD is, how it diverges from a Virtual FC, and how your business can benefit from its services.


Defining the Virtual Finance Director


A Virtual Finance Director is an outsourced, highly skilled individual responsible for guiding a company’s strategic financial direction. Unlike an in-house Finance Director, a Virtual FD works remotely, leveraging technology to provide the same level of expertise but with added flexibility and often at a reduced cost. Like the Virtual FC, it means your business can benefit from industry specialist knowledge as and when it needs it, without the overheads associated with a full-time member of staff.

The Defining Benefits of a Virtual FD


A Virtual FD is geared towards long-term, strategic financial planning. While a Virtual FC may focus more on the day-to-day operations, such as managing accounts and financial reporting, a Virtual FD looks at the broader business context, making high-level decisions and advising on growth strategies.


As such, Virtual Finance Directors can offer customised involvement depending on the maturity and needs of the business. Whether it’s preparing for an initial public offering (IPO), executing mergers and acquisitions, or developing international growth strategies, a Virtual FD provides specialised expertise.


Real World Examples – Business Advantages of Employing a Virtual FD


We always think it’s good to show how we’ve seen our offerings at play in the working world. So, our case studies always serve as demonstrations of real world benefits people can attest to. Here’s a couple around the Virtual FD at work:


Case Study: Navigating an IPO

A fintech start-up enlisted the services of a Virtual FD to guide them through the complex process of going public. The Virtual Finance Director spearheaded the financial audits, ensured regulatory compliance, and was instrumental in securing favourable terms with underwriters.


Case Study: Steering Business Transformation

An established manufacturing firm sought the expertise of a Virtual FD to help transition their business model in response to market changes. With their strategic financial planning, the firm was able to streamline operations and pivot successfully, resulting in increased market share.


The Lewis Brownlee Virtual FD Offering


Lewis Brownlee offers a tailored Virtual FD service specifically designed to accommodate the unique needs of your business. Our Virtual Finance Directors can assist with strategic business planning, financial risk assessment, capital structure optimisation, and much more. The offering also complements our Virtual FC service, providing a comprehensive solution for businesses at every stage of their growth journey.


Conclusion: A New Paradigm in Financial Leadership


As business environments continue to evolve, the need for versatile and strategic financial expertise is more critical than ever. Virtual FDs and Virtual FCs offer a cost-effective and agile way to give your business the competitive advantage it needs. Importantly though, these roles are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they often complement each other, working in tandem to drive business success. By effectively leveraging both Virtual Controllers and Directors, businesses can accelerate towards meeting and even surpassing their objectives. So, to further explore how our tailored Virtual FC and FD services can facilitate your business growth and financial stability, contact us today at 01243 782423. We can’t wait to see how we can help!

If you’d like to speak to one of our experts about your accounts, please call 01243 782 423, or email from our contact page and we will be in touch!

We also update our YouTube Channel regularly with new content, see here: Lewis Brownlee YouTube channel.

What is a Virtual FC – the Joys of the Virtual Finance Controller

What is a Virtual FC – the Joys of the Virtual Finance Controller

What is a Virtual FC – the Joys of the Virtual Finance Controller

The accountancy world has changed dramatically in recent years. In a bid to harness the power of technology, this profession like so many others, has moved increasingly online. So, the advent of the Virtual Finance Controller (Virtual FC) was perhaps only a matter of time. Indeed companies (like ours!) that fully embrace technological improvements, have been keen to see how it can benefit clients. As such, at Lewis Brownlee we are proud to have this offering in place. So, let’s showcase the many advantages it can bring to your business!


What is a Virtual Finance Controller?


A Virtual Finance Controller (Virtual FC) is essentially a finance expert who offers services remotely, rather than being physically present at a company’s office. This role combines strategic financial planning, monitoring, and reporting, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions without the overhead costs associated with a full-time, in-house financial controller.


The Benefits: More Than Just Cost-Savings


A key advantage of employing a Virtual FC is access to specialised financial knowledge as and when you need it. This can range from strategic planning to optimising cash flow or even mergers and acquisitions. So, a Virtual FC can be a catalyst for growth, allowing businesses to scale efficiently and effectively but in a much more affordable way than having a permanent member of full-time staff. Particularly for small-medium businesses, this can be a real boon in getting ahead in the business world.


Flexibility and Scalability


Virtual Finance Controllers also offer an unparalleled level of flexibility. Whether it’s a start-up in its infancy or a well-established enterprise, a Virtual FC can adapt to the needs of the business, scaling services up or down as required. At Lewis Brownlee, our Virtual FCs very much makes the most of each business’s unique setup and requirements to tailor the best way forward for them. For us, it’s about building relationships and really getting to know the businesses we serve so that our Virtual FC offering remains the best it can be!


Real-world Applications: Virtual FCs in Action


The cost saving implications of the Virtual FC obviously make it an attractive option for many businesses. So, here’s some real-world case studies of how they have benefitted existing businesses today:


Case Study 1: Streamlining Operations

A small-scale manufacturing firm was struggling with inconsistent cash flow and had several inefficiencies in its accounting processes. Upon employing a Virtual FC, the firm was able to streamline its operations, resulting in a 15% increase in profitability within the first quarter.


Case Study 2: Strategic Growth


A tech start-up, aiming for rapid expansion, employed a Virtual FC to manage its finances. The Virtual Finance Controller not only improved their financial reporting but also provided strategic insights that guided the company in making informed investment decisions. As a result, the start-up secured significant venture capital funding and has since expanded into new markets.


The Lewis Brownlee Virtual FC Offering


At Lewis Brownlee, we understand the complexities and challenges that businesses face. That’s why our Virtual FC service is tailored to meet you and your business’s specific needs. Our Virtual Finance Controllers can assist with strategic planning, financial modelling, risk assessment, and more. With our expertise, we aim to provide robust financial solutions that can navigate the volatile business environment, ensuring sustainable growth and profitability.


The Financial Future is Virtual


From what we have seen, the Virtual FC is not just a trend; it’s a viable, efficient solution for modern businesses looking to optimise their financial operations. With the right expertise and strategic guidance, a Virtual Finance Controller can be a game-changing addition to your team.


By integrating a Virtual FC into your business strategy, you not only cut costs but also gain access to on-demand financial expertise that can drive your business forward, making it a win-win situation for modern enterprises looking to adapt, scale, and thrive. We’d love to help you there! So, if you are interested in finding out more about our Virtual FC offering, please do call us on 01243 782 423 and let’s see how we can help partner in your success!


If you’d like to speak to one of our experts about your accounts, please call 01243 782 423, or email from our contact page and we will be in touch!

We also update our YouTube Channel regularly with new content, see here: Lewis Brownlee YouTube channel.

Supplements Aren’t Just for Bodybuilders – What Business Supplements Should You Consider?

Supplements Aren’t Just for Bodybuilders – What Business Supplements Should You Consider?

Supplements Aren’t Just for Bodybuilders – What Business Supplements Should You Consider?

Much like dietary supplements enhance physical performance, business supplements can bolster various aspects of your organisation’s functioning. These ‘supplements’ can range from software solutions to specialised consultancy services. Below, we delve into some business supplements that can augment your operations.


Technology Supplements


In the digital age, software is perhaps the most obvious form of business supplements. These include CRM systems that help you manage customer relationships. So too, the accounting software that streamlines financial tasks. Basically, these are the tools that are essential for modern businesses. The right technological supplements can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic activities.


Human Resource Supplements


Contractual or freelance personnel can also act as business supplements. They can fill in skill gaps without the long-term commitment of a full-time employee. Whether you need a marketing expert for a specific campaign or a financial consultant for year-end audits, temporary staff can provide the expertise you need, when you need it.


Consultancy and Advisory Services


Consultancy firms can function as intellectual supplements for your business. Whether it’s legal advice, financial planning, or strategic guidance, external consultants bring an outsider’s perspective. Their objective view can often illuminate overlooked opportunities or challenges. These services can act as business supplements that provide expertise and insights not available in-house.


Virtual Finance Controllers and Directors


Yet another form of business supplements that is increasingly popular is the use of virtual finance controllers and directors. These professionals offer a flexible and cost-effective approach to managing your organisation’s financial health. Unlike traditional in-house roles, virtual finance controllers and directors can be engaged on a part-time or project-specific basis, thereby reducing overhead costs.


They provide services that are critical to financial stability and growth, such as cash flow forecasting, budgeting, and strategic financial planning. Virtual controllers and directors bring a level of expertise that can be invaluable for decision-making, particularly for small to medium-sized enterprises that may not have the resources for a full-time financial department. Their contributions can serve as an effective supplement by offering specialised financial management capabilities without the long-term commitment and costs associated with full-time staff.


Training and Development


Investing in employee training programmes can be viewed as developmental supplements. Not only do these initiatives improve the skill set within your company, but they also motivate staff and can improve retention rates. Employee development is particularly important in fast-changing industries where up-to-date expertise is invaluable.


In summary, business supplements come in various forms and can significantly impact different facets of your organisation. By judiciously selecting these supplements based on your business needs, you can optimise operations, plug skill gaps, and even gain a competitive edge. Just like dietary supplements, however, the key is to identify what specific ‘nutrients’ your business lacks and choose your supplements accordingly.

If you’d like to speak to one of our experts about your accounts, please call 01243 782 423, or email from our contact page and we will be in touch!

We also update our YouTube Channel regularly with new content, see here: Lewis Brownlee YouTube channel.

Business Profitability: Turning Your Business from Loss-Making to Profitable

Business Profitability: Turning Your Business from Loss-Making to Profitable

Business Profitability: Turning Your Business from Loss-Making to Profitable

Turning a loss-making business into a profitable enterprise is a challenge that demands rigorous analysis, strategic planning, and disciplined execution. This journey often means rethinking your business model, scrutinising your finances, and even making some tough decisions. One often underutilised resource in this endeavour is the expertise of Virtual Finance Directors (VFDs) and Virtual Finance Controllers (VFCs). So, we’ve decided to delve into how these professionals can be instrumental in getting your business back on track.


Assessing the Financial Landscape


You’ve recognised your business is loss-making and the knee-jerk reaction may be to panic. But, at this point it is important not to! This is easier said than done, we know – but taking stock of your financial position is always the first step towards making the situation better. So, try to think proactively, regroup and take charge of the situation.


To begin getting a firm grasp on your current financial situation, compile an inventory of assets and liabilities. Then scrutinise your revenue streams, and dissect expense categories. Without accurate and detailed financial statements, making informed decisions is nearly impossible. So, while an information gathering exercise might not sound appealing, it will be crucial to getting your business back on track.


Engaging Expert Financial Oversight


A VFD or VFC can be invaluable at this stage. Their many benefits include in-depth financial analysis and insights into operational efficiencies. They can identify cost-saving opportunities and provide strategic recommendations for effective resource allocation. (Please see our separate blogs on both Virtual Finance Directors and Virtual Finance Controllers for more detailed information about how these work). So, enlisting their help when your business is loss-making can be invaluable in helping you turn the situation around.


Realigning Business Strategies


Loss-making is often indicative of the need to refine your business model. So, don’t put off reassessing it! Consider alternative revenue streams, examine your pricing strategy, and review your target customer segments. Remember, it’s important to adapt your offerings based on what aligns best with market demand today. It may be that at the time of starting up your business, the model you have in place worked. But times change – and your business model should take care to reflect this. So, make sure you reassess your strategy at regular intervals to ensure profitability.


Virtual Finance Directors can prove particularly instrumental here. Assisting in creating and implementing new business strategies is what they do best. So, if your business is loss-making, it may be worth seeking the help of a reputable Virtual FD to turn the tables. They bring a wealth of experience in financial modelling and can assess the viability of strategic shifts, making sure that the business remains on a stable financial footing throughout the transition.


Implementing Cost Controls


One of the quickest ways to improve profitability is by cutting costs. However, it’s crucial to do this without compromising the quality of your products or services. All too often, business’s compromise quality. While this may seem a quick fix, it can lead to loss of a loyal client base in the long term. So, how do you know where savings can be made while maintaining reasonable quality? The key lies in analysing your expenditure line by line to determine where cuts can be made. This is often a fine balancing act and having an expert eye can be hugely beneficial in ensuring the kind of objectivity required for this exercise.



VFCs can be particularly effective here. Excelling in cost management and budget oversight, they can bring an objective perspective to the table to get you back on track. After all, they are responsible for implementing effective cost control measures, such as renegotiating vendor contracts, automating repetitive tasks, or eliminating redundant processes, all while safeguarding your business’s quality standards.


Optimising Operational Efficiencies


When it comes to recovering business profitability, it’s important to review your processes. Are you using the most efficient methods and keeping an eye to industry improvements that might reduce costs? Taking a close, objective look at your business operations can help identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies, enabling you to take action and reduce time and cost. Plus, streamlining these areas not only saves money but often also improves customer satisfaction.


Both VFDs and VFCs can assist in improving operational efficiencies. With their help, you can implement best practices and performance metrics that will lead to ongoing operational excellence.


Measure and Adjust


Successfully running any business depends on regular financial reviews. But, this is even more true when it comes to a loss-making business looking to increase profitability. So, regularly assessing your financial performance against set goals is crucial. Ensure you have key performance indicators (KPIs) in place to measure success so that you can adjust your strategies as needed.


Virtual Finance Directors and Controllers can once again prove indispensable here. However, it’s important to note that they are not just for crisis management. Their ongoing relationship can provide a sustainable strategy for continuous improvement, helping you to adapt proactively to market changes and emerging challenges.

In sum…

So, there we have it! Turning a loss-making business into a profitable one is no small feat. Yet, with diligent financial oversight, strategic realignment, and cost controls, profitability is achievable. The expertise of Virtual Finance Directors and Controllers can make this journey not just feasible but also more efficient. By offering strategic insights and efficient financial management, they can be the key drivers in transforming your business’s financial health.


So, if seeking the expertise of a VFD or a VFC is something you are interested in, please do get in a touch. We have a team of the very finest poised to help and we can only urge you to take us up on one of our free introductory meetings to see what benefits that can make to your business. Call us today on 01243 782423 to book yours and we’ll look forward to helping you make a difference that really counts!

If you’d like to speak to one of our experts about your accounts, please call 01243 782 423, or email from our contact page and we will be in touch!

We also update our YouTube Channel regularly with new content, see here: Lewis Brownlee YouTube channel.

My Business Needs Financial Help but Cannot Afford a Finance Team: What Can I Do?

My Business Needs Financial Help but Cannot Afford a Finance Team: What Can I Do?

My Business Needs Financial Help but Cannot Afford a Finance Team: What Can I Do?

Financial stability is the cornerstone of any successful business. However, not every organisation can afford to hire a dedicated finance team. If your business is in dire need of financial help, there are several alternative strategies you can employ. So, it’s our honour to take a quick look to offer some proactive steps to turning the situation around!


Here goes…


Step One: Consider a Virtual Finance Team: The Cost-Effective Solution


When the coffers are nearly empty, hiring a full-time, in-house finance team might seem like an impossibility. However, a Virtual Finance Team can provide a lifeline. Consisting of virtual finance directors and controllers, this model offers the expertise you need. Plus, it offers the oversight of qualified professionals at a fraction of the cost. Unlike traditional teams, a Virtual Finance Team is scalable according to your needs. So, it can be an affordable solution for businesses in financial strife.


Step Two: Conducting an Initial Assessment of your business situation


Things may not be as bad as they seem. Conversely, they may be worse! When a business is struggling, it is important to scope the problem as soon as possible. If you are able to bring a Virtual Finance Director in, they will immediately want to conduct an initial review of your financials, identifying areas of concern and opportunities for immediate improvement’s an important step because only once you know the exact situation, can you successfully craft a way out of it!


Step Three: Reviewing and Managing your Cash Flow


One of the most common reasons businesses seek financial help is poor cash flow. So, it’s important to assess your strategies and ensure they are playing to your full strength. Optimising operations and efficiencies falls into this category and looking at them objectively will often show room for cost reduction, improvement in methods or room for streamlining. If you have sourced a Virtual Finance Controller, they will be using this information to focus their efforts on how they can best help implement strategies to improve liquidity.


Step Four: Implementing Budget Revisions


Once your initial assessment is complete, it’s important to take practical steps to turn the business around. If you have a virtual finance team in place, at this point they will want to assist in revising budgets and forecasts, making sure they are realistic and achievable.


Step Five: Managing any debt


If your business is heavily indebted, these should have been highlighted in your initial assessment. Getting to grips with these and negotiating payment plans successfully will be critical to your business’s survival. When a Virtual Finance Team is involved, they will use forecasting techniques and financial modelling to assist you in your debt management. This means they will work out for you the affordability of debt management proposals and show you the route to get your debts under control.


Step Six: Ongoing Monitoring and Support:


Once the immediate concerns are addressed, it’s important that your business is carefully monitored. Lessons must be learnt so that the business can avoid its previous pitfalls and continue to grow. At this stage, a virtual finance team can be integral when it comes to providing ongoing support, helping to ensure long-term financial health and ensuring that a risk management profile is securely in place.


Leveraging Expertise for Business Turnaround


Turning a business around is never easy – but it is possible. As ever, it is important to act quickly if you find your business in difficulty – the longer the situation is left, the harder it will be to recover. Yet, with the right expertise and proactive steps, your business can shift from surviving to thriving. The use of Virtual Finance Teams provides an affordable, flexible option for businesses that require high-level financial oversight without the prohibitive costs of an in-house team. So, if you find your business is in a position where such intervention is needed, please know that we at Lewis Brownlee have a Virtual Finance Team standing ready to assist. Their support could prove invaluable in not just weathering the financial storm now, but in setting a course for long-term sustainability and success well into the future!

If you’d like to speak to one of our experts about your accounts, please call 01243 782 423, or email from our contact page and we will be in touch!

We also update our YouTube Channel regularly with new content, see here: Lewis Brownlee YouTube channel.

Is your Business benefitting from External Financial Oversight?

Is your Business benefitting from External Financial Oversight?

Is your Business benefitting from External Financial Oversight?

Given today’s competitive and fast-paced business environment, ensuring your business has some external financial oversight is fast becoming an indispensable component. Gone are the days when it was simply a perk! Companies grappling with operational intricacies are embracing agile and cost-effective alternatives. That’s where Virtual Finance Controllers (FCs) and Virtual Finance Directors (FDs) come in! They basically meet this need by offering strategic and daily financial management from an external viewpoint at a fraction of the cost. They’re basically a way of having industry financial leaders looking out for your business without the massive overheads you’d usually incur having them as full-time members of the team.


Why do you need External Financial Oversight?


Put simply, external financial oversight encompasses the supervision of a company’s financial activities by third-party experts. Typically, this involves a deep dive into financial planning, risk assessment, and strategic decision-making. As it’s conducted by third-party specialists (like us!), it also means your business gets the objective and impartial overview and feedback that internal politics often means are missed.


Virtual FC Vs Virtual FD – How do you know which you need?


So, gleaning some external financial oversight sounds like food for thought. But, how do you know what kind of external financial oversight you need? In short, Virtual Finance Controllers and Virtual Finance Directors often act in tandem. The former focusses more on controlling your finances and has a more hands-on approach. The latter focusses more on strategy and guiding the company towards its goals:


Virtual Finance Controller:


Detailed Financial Reporting

A Virtual FC brings expertise in producing intricate financial reports, vital for understanding your company’s financial health. They focus on detailed balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow reports, helping you grasp the finer points of your operations.


Regulatory Compliance

With ever-changing financial regulations, a Virtual FC ensures that your business remains compliant, averting legal complications that can entail financial penalties or reputational damage.


Virtual Finance Directors:
Strategic Financial Planning 

Unlike Virtual FCs, Virtual FDs delve into strategic financial management. They assess market conditions, capital structure, and growth opportunities, helping you compare opportunities and long-term financial strategies.


Risk Mitigation

Through external financial oversight, a Virtual FD identifies potential risks, offering preventive solutions and alternative courses of action to mitigate financial exposure.


The Lewis Brownlee Offering


Offering valuable external financial oversights is one of our core areas of expertise at Lewis Brownlee! As such, our specialised Virtual FD and Virtual FC services are tailored to suit your business needs from the inside out. So, from operational compliance to strategic business planning, our virtual services provide comprehensive external financial oversight you can trust. We also offer a free introductory meeting so that you can meet our team and find out more about how your business might benefit from our professional financial oversight. So, when you’re ready, we’re ready! Call us today on 01243 782 423 and let’s see how we can partner in your success!

If you’d like to speak to one of our experts about your accounts, please call 01243 782 423, or email from our contact page and we will be in touch!

We also update our YouTube Channel regularly with new content, see here: Lewis Brownlee YouTube channel.