Essential Payroll Year-End Preparation: Checklist for UK Businesses

With the end of the UK’s payroll year approaching, “Payroll Year-End Preparation” is a phrase that should be on every business owner’s mind. This critical period demands meticulous attention to detail to ensure compliance with HMRC requirements and set the stage for a seamless transition into the new fiscal year. And yes, now is the perfect time to start thinking about it and getting ready!!


Here’s what you might want to think about!


Preparing for Payroll Year-End: A Strategic Approach


Data Verification and Updates


Accurate employee data is the bedrock of effective payroll management. Confirm personal details, tax codes, and ensure all payments and deductions have been correctly recorded. This attention to detail mitigates the risk of errors that could lead to HMRC penalties.


Regulatory Awareness


Stay abreast of any changes to payroll-related legislation that could impact your final submissions for the year. This could include adjustments to tax bands, National Insurance thresholds, or pension regulations. Ignorance is not a defence when it comes to non-compliance.


Utilising Technology


Ensure your payroll software is up-to-date with the latest features and legal updates. Software providers often release year-end updates; installing these promptly is crucial for accurate processing and reporting.


Final Checks and Submissions


P60 Distribution


Issuing P60s to your employees by the May 31st deadline is non-negotiable. These documents summarise their total pay and deductions for the year and are essential for their personal tax affairs.


HMRC Filings


Final Full Payment Submissions (FPS) and Employer Payment Summaries (EPS) should be accurately completed and submitted to HMRC. Double-check for any discrepancies and rectify them before the deadline.


Embracing the New Fiscal Year


Forward Planning


“Payroll Year-End Preparation” doesn’t end with the last submission. Use this time to review your payroll practices, plan for staff training on new processes, and set objectives for the coming year. We promise it’s an exercise you won’t regret doing sooner rather than later!


Seamless Transition with Expert Support


The payroll year-end process can be complex, but with careful planning and the right support, it can be managed effectively. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of what we have affectionately dubbed “Payroll Year-End Preparation,” remember that help is at hand. Here at Lewis Brownlee, our expert team is well equipped to guide you through every step, ensuring that your business not only meets all regulatory requirements but also enters the new fiscal year with confidence. So, fear not! And remember, when you’re ready, we’re ready!


Call one of our three offices today to book a free initial meeting to see how we can help!


Chichester: 01243 782 423

Midhurst: 01730 817 243

Whiteley: 01489 287 782



If you’d like to speak to one of our experts about, please call 01243 782 423, or email from our contact page and we will be in touch!

We also update our YouTube Channel regularly with new content, see here: Lewis Brownlee YouTube channel.